1099's for an auditorium/PA application?

Discussion in 'General Topics' started by soundquest, Jun 3, 2015.

  1. This is a question for those that have built and/or listened to the 1099's. I am wondering if a pair of these would fill an auditorium adequately. Room dimensions are roughly 40 x 60 with 30 foot ceiling height. Thanks.
  2. Is this for weddings, or something more like a Metallica concert?
  3. Good question -- the purpose of the auditorium is for theater (plays and such), live concerts, presentations, and other venues.
  4. That should work without issue. That's not a very big space. Only thing is bass support for the concerts. They really should be crossed to a subwoofer system, or high passed around 80hz and let the bass guitar amplify himself and the kick drum be acoustic. Piano might be an issue. I'd use a subwoofer.
  5. Good to know. And yes, couldn't agree more on the subwoofer addition and crossover point. I think for the room size it might have to be an awfully powerful 18" sub. Any recommendations?
  6. DIY or commercial?

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