So I took the dive into DIY speakers...started with upgrading my ATMOS ceiling speakers with DIYsoundgroup volt 6's (x4) here is my first ever crossover and soldering...went way easier than i envisioned: glued, sanded and painted with duratex the cabs: installed the xover: installed them on the ceiling...using a 3" screw through a hole in the cab...into a toggle bolt...using a 6" driver bit: stuffed them with eggcrate insulation (not shown) and hooked the wires up and screwed in the drivers. pardon the dust and exposed wires...took the pic before I cleaned up they sound AMAZING!! before setting them up as atmos I played them as 2 channel ...and wow these would rival MANY main speakers costing 3-4x's more...not bad for 160$ each very very step building 1099's for mains