I am offering for sale a pair of speaker cabinets that have served me well. My abilities and interests have grown. I must make room for other projects. I will be gathering photos and construction details here to aid this effort. Price will be + shipping. Location is zip 40403 The "E-Wave Delight" is an Econo Wave inspired design with heavy influence from zilch. RIP The Eminence DeltaLite 2512 are gone a long time ago, when I anticipated a quicker turn around on a group buy for replacement...ahem... If one wanted to purchase their own 2512's that would make these a plug and play option. The cabinets are suited to installation of other 12" pro mid woofers. The AE TD12 is among them. The L-pad, crossover and terminals are mounted in a tombstone cut-out on the back panel. The veneer is gummy cherry and quartered sycamore backs. The carcases are 3/4" mdf except for the front baffle, the bottom of the slot port and the removable back...those are 3/4" lumber core plywood. Glue blocks run the length of all inside corners, except at the port entry. Most of the veneer was sawn from ~1" boards, yielding 3 pieces from which to choose/match. The backs are quarter-sawn sycamore. The balance of the cabinet is covered in cherry, chosen for figure and the presence of gum or mineral streaks. There's also a healthy amount of curl figure in this wood. The top slope (3" in 12") was chosen to decrease the effective distance between the Eminence 2512 and the top of the case. Simulations done with Martin King's worksheets showed a decrease in ripple as a result. A flat top would have produced ripple ~+/-2 dB. The sloped top is +/- 1 dB in the 650-1K range. I believe the sloped top also makes whatever standing waves do exist more difuse... The slot port is sloped 3 in 12 as well. The top of the exit includes a ~4" radius to the front of the case. The bottom goes to the floor with a ~5/8" roundover. There is a mid-slot brace which connects the top and bottom of the port. There are hard maple stiffeners on all panels except the slot port and removable back. These run diagonally and are tapered, thicker in the middle. The areas between stiffeners are covered with Owens Corning 703, 5/8" thick. My thumbnail calculations tell me that for this material (3.0 lb/cf) each cabinet has 0.9 lbs. of fiberglass on the walls. Additional stuffing of ~1 lb. of polyfil was in place during the MWAF. I have since reduced this by half and will further cut back on the stuffing once I get used to this level, for comparison purposes. The B&C DE250 is attached to a QSC 152i. The mounting of the combination evolved from an 11th hour query to which Zilch responded: moving the front of the waveguide forward slightly would lower the response tilt from ~5.5 degrees up. The mount rests on the cabinet with no attachment except the wires. The slope of the top resists displacement from vibration. The weight of the CD keeps it in place. I'm very happy with this elegant solution coming out of what was for me a moment of indecision. It works. The "best deal" here is for the cabinets and mounted QSC horns only. Reduced: $300 (04/26/15) original x-over included. If you plan a different driver, we can quibble over cost reduction without the crossover. I can use the B&C DE250 that are with them now. If you want those at additional cost so you can go the "plug and play" route that is fine.
fyi, I heard these several years back at MWAF and they were one sweet sounding set of speakers. And really nice cabinet and veneer.
Thanks Bill, I will consider a road trip within reason: Louisville, Cincinnati, Knoxville, Nashville. Arrangements to be discussed.