Econowave style with LE14a & SEOS12 + DNA360

Discussion in 'General Topics' started by albertli, Jan 23, 2013.

  1. Guys,
    I'm an old newbie and would like to make it my hobby for the retirement. I would like to have some ideas on how I should start out for this project. What I want is something which could play fullrange, doesn't need help from any sub. This is only for music listening.
    I've no idea on crossover design, but read some on the other forum and know that people love to cross the LE14a at 900hz.
    I'm good on wood, I retired from wood framing. I can do any size boxes as recommended, n size really doesn't matter.
    Thanks in advance
  2. Hi Albertli,

    Considering no subs and not sure of cross over design (yet), but good wood working abilities, I'd suggest building something pre-designed by someone here or elsewhere. There are getting to be quite a few SEOS12 designs. Have you already bought the LE14a woofers? If you have, that's tricky because I'm not sure of a design out there. If you haven't, then please let us know:

    Size constraints
    and anything else that could help.

    Good hobby to pick! Have fun doing it.
  3. Hey Tux - my country man,
    I'm Canadian too, from White Rock.
    Yes, I have the LE14a with me and a pair of plywood utility boxes which I could convert them into speakers but 3.5 cu.ft. the most. I could make them 18.75"x 15.5" x 26.5" O.D. n of course I could make boxes to any size to make them optimum. :)
    My plan is to buy a pair 360 together with a pair SEOS12 to coup with. Actually I have been to AK forum and know that Jack designed a crossover specially for the LE14a n for the public to share. I could copy and post that here if permitted.
    My future studio will be something 16' x 25' x 8'h, a kind of empty and without any finishing at the moment. My plan is to finish the wall with paint and carpet the floor. Etc...
    I open for any good recommendations. Please do advise.
    Thanks again
  4. probably the ewave design won't be far off. I remember Erich said the horn depth of SEOS and the ewave JBL horn are very close.
  5. White Rock eh! I live on Vanvouver Island in a small town called Ladysmith. Small world.

    Link us to the LE14a design. It's allowed I'm sure.

    They said anything JBL/ PYLE PH612/Dayton H6512 will work.

  7. Darn, can't see it unless I'm a member. I think BWaslo is a member.
  8. Sorry, I thought it'll go direct to the page once U click on. Here comes the crossover.

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  9. That should get you in the neighborhood. And it's got an lpad so you can adjust for sensitivity if you need. If you build it, let us know how it goes :)
  10. Does it mean the green light is on :) AK members warn me the wave-lenght of the SEOS12 waveguide might not match with all those being originally used, the JBL/Plye/Dayton ones.
    It's time to check with Erich and see if the CD is back on stock. I can start making the boxes. Do U think it's good to go 3.5 cu. ft. tune to 30hz, with port either 1 x 4" x 7.75"L or 2 x 3" x 10"L. I took these numbers from the on-line calculator. Please kindly verify for me.

    Oh...Ladysmith, there was one time we drove by when we went visit Chemainus. I thought I have to pick a time this summer to see more on that area. I know Nanaimo, Parksville and Comox pretty well and love that areas. We even thought of moving over to Nanaimo some 20 years ago. We haven't had much chance/ excuses to go over the island after I sold my boat. We always went fishing Bamfield area when my kid was young. Caught lots of salmons in 40/50 lbs range. Halibut up to 100 lbs was common at the period of time. Now we keep fishing the rivers and the steelhead this year is good so far. You are fisherman by any chance.

  11. Thanks Bill. If I don't have to worry about the horn depth. I'd give the order to Erich.
  12. The AK guys aren't wrong. If the horn depths are different, then the cross over may need to change. Depends how much of a difference it is. The SEOS is pretty shallow. The SEOS may change the shape of the response a little as well. If we didn't have a ferry between us I'd say come over and we'll measure it and develope a custom cross over. The AK cross over is probably in the neighbourhood, but I wouldn't say it's perfect. You could try the SEOS and probably resell them in Canada very easy if it didn't work out. But then your cutout might be wrong for the right horn. If you're not up for experimentation, you should either send the woofer to me for a SEOS cross over, or get the right horn.

    Not a fisherman. But I certainly care about where all the fish are going. I have an uncle who does some fishing up the Fraser. Not sure if steelhead or what. Once you've built these speakers, I'd love to hear them! We go down to visit family in Washington fairly often. And if you're ever on the Island, send me a pm.
  13. Salmons season was done and the fresh steelheads are in Vedder River/ Chilliwack. I have big success early in the morning with ghost shrimp.
  14. No problem. It's fun for me. ;D
  15. Before I go on with anything, I thought I have to deal with the broken surround of my 14a first. I have them moved out from my storage and found both surround were broken.
    I need some advice here. The guy who repaired the surround last time put the foam underneath the cone. You can check it from the picture with the broken surround. I have them cleaned up and wait for the rescue from Rick. I've been seeing guys putting the foam on top of the cone. Should I simply put them on top ?

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  16. I put them on top of my 2245h. A lot easier, looked fine, and I can't imagine any significant performance issue.
  17. Thanks n I'll put it on the front.
    The 3.5 cu.ft. boxes are coming along. My plan is to tune at 32hz with 2x 3" pipe at 8.75"L . Is the box capable doing that good ? or I should go with other number?
  18. I tried dry-fit the foam surround on top of the cone but didn't fit well into place. I therefore put them back to wherever they supposed to be - at the back of the cone. They sit there very well almost 100% fit. It took me almost 5 hrs to have them finished yesterday n they are singing for me now but with no box. :)

    The boxes are almost done but still have to wait for the 360 driver to back in stock. Can't do nothing without the waveguide & driver.

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  19. I had the box resized to 4.35 cu. ft at the weekend. They will be around 4 cu. ft with all drivers n padding on. 2 ports 2x 3" x7"L tune to 32hz if my math is correct. Please advise.
    I have high hope this project would sound good :)

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  20. The 2 crossover are done too. I patiently waiting for the waveguide/ 360 drivers to come, so I could cut the hole and put them to run.

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  21. Nice neat job on the crossover. The LE14's look nice too.
  22. Coming along nicely! Keep the pics coming 8)

  24. Ok. I'll keep the pictures coming.
  25. I have the boxes ready for paint. Still have to wait for the waveguide for the hole size. Luckily Erich has them sent by today. :)
    See if I can finish them in couple weeks.

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