Looking For painting Advice For Flat Packs

Discussion in 'DIY Speakers and Subwoofers' started by Syd7890, Nov 7, 2017.

  1. I recently pulled the trigger, and ordered the Fusion 15, along with the MDF flat packs.
    I'm looking for advice on painting the cabinets.
    Has anyone had any luck with a black piano like finish with these.
    Any advice or insight would be greatly appreciated.

  2. Welcome to the forums and when possible, please post up a build thread!

    I've seen some kits with piano gloss finishes, but the majority I've seen have been either painted black, used duratex or Restore 4X as well as various veneers. I used both Duratex and Restore 4X, but I prefer Duratex. I did my first sub enclosure with Restore 4X, but used Duratex on the 893s and second sub.



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