Titan Speaker Kits

Discussion in 'Home Theater Speaker Kit Information' started by Matt Grant, Jan 18, 2017.

  1. Yeah that looks perfectly fine, though at the frequencies the woofer is playing being partially blocked by the frame will do very little anyway.

    3" between the crossovers should be plenty of room, the only thing you don't want is to place them in some way where you end up lining up the axis or core of two of the inductors so they point directly through one another, 90 degrees or an offset of several inches among those that point the same direction is fine.

    The crossover was split into two boards to allow greater flexibility in placement and potential future designs.
  2. Thanks. I think one board will be horizontal and the other board will be vertical... and will be space a few inches apart. I've got crazy wire / even 10 gauge to try and separate, but i don't think any of these connections can handle even 12 gauge copper :)

    Looking forward to a little better front of house speaker 3 soon.

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